About Movaluate 7
Movaluate helps users maximize the value of their mobile devices. We are different from your typical accessory retailer. We’ve been neck deep in mobile technology for the better part of the decade and have had our fair share of cataclysmic device destruction. While building our smartphone appraisal database, we noticed that a large portion of devices were being significantly devalued due to preventable display damage. We found that the best way to safeguard our fragile smartphones was with a screen protector—finding which screen protector performed best became a whole different endeavor on its own.
We went through a handful of cracked displays and a plethora of screen protectors before finding the best value for our mobile devices. Afterwards we thought, “Why not save the good people of the internet all this trouble and give them this same value without all of the work?” We’ve partnered with a renowned screen protector manufacturer to deliver our customers the best product possible. Combined with our extensive experience in mobile value preservation and customer support, we promise to deliver the best smartphone protection experience possible.
Designed to protect your value. Welcome to Movaluate.